So, recently I found my old Black Circle Dude Ep2 .fla file that I made on Flash 8, and I started to work on it a bit, but then I realized that it wasn't good enough so I'm going to redo it.
Now I know what you are thinking, you are thinking "Who dafuq is Blak Sircle D00D????/////?" and I have 2 responses to that.
1. You need to work on your grammar and spelling.
2. Black Circle Dude was my debut into Newgrounds - A.K.A: my first real animation, the link to it is here, but be warned, it is not very good in quality, since it was my first animation.
Also you may be thinking, "But what about your other projects like Hospital Simulator, the breakout game and Multichoice?"
I have another 2 responses.
1. Your grammar and spelling has improved, well done.
2. Well, the Breakout game was going to come first, then I was going to focus on my other projects, but I've hit a dead end with the programming for the breakout game, I've made a level that you can play, I just need to make a way to get it to go to another frame after you've completed the level, if I can fix that I will get on with it, until then I'm stopping the project.
But anyway, BCD2 (Black Circle Dude Ep2) is now in the making, I don't know when it will be done, but I want it to be fairly big, so it may take a while.
So look out for that, I may have a trailer made for it soon, or maybe not.
Oh also I have another review on Metacritic, so go check that out here.
Glad to hear my grammar and spelling is OK! :P Sounds like good stuff is on the way.
Yeah hopefully what I'm going to deliver is good and I hope it isn't going to be another one of those projects that I leave for a year like some of my other previous ones, it makes me feel kinda guilty.
Although admittedly I am still a student, I don't have much time to work on these things.