Game Title: Madness: Will It Slice
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The Review:
This is one of those Madness Day games that revolve around the Madness animated series by Krinkles, but is Will It Slice any good? I'm here to point out the good and bad.
So in the game you have a gun -supposedly a laser- and you are somewhere in Nevada -like in all or most Madness content- with an objective of killing all of the infected dudes in some sort of secret facility, there really is no telling of how these guys got infected other than their was some sort of outbreak but you can bet your ass that it was more exciting than that.
Anyway the game starts up with a nice soundtrack that never changes and you can pick how your character looks from the face to the body, then you start the game and you are told that in the secret facility their are these infected people, then after going through those 7 frames of text you are shown the controls and you can pick your level from 10, if this is your first time 9 of them are locked and you have to complete each level to unlock the next.
The controls in this game are smooth and nice and you have your cool chargeable laser, plus a triple-firing laser for those who love overkill, or for the guys who find this game difficult, either or.
The first level has only 3 infected dudes to kill, and of course you get more as you progress through the level.
Now this game is fun to play and the infected aren't too hard to kill, and I love the fact that they are slightly faster than you, it really makes the game have some feeling of progression and I also love the fact that shooting heads off of the infected doesn't kill them, making the game challenging but not so challenging that it makes me want to rage quit.
Are their any bad things in this game? Three things, the first thing being that the music loops all the time, their is no changing soundtrack which I can understand, doing that sort of thing is hard in Flash, but it still is a thing that bugs me, also if you jump at just the right time, you see the infected spawning and walking on the roof before you can finally shoot them. One more thing, their appears to be poles and ladders in the background for scenery, I thought they were climbable, and they weren't and I really REALLY want to be able to climb them.
Graphics: 4/5
Interactivity: 5/5
Sound: 3/5
Plot: 2/5
Fun: 3/5
Overall: 17/25
Recommendation Rate: Recommended.