Okay...hello there you, I can't really see you, but you can see me, as the News Post.
I have a lot of things to say right now, so keep reading, their are sections which you can go to, here are the different sections.
Current Animating
(as a sub-section) - Multichoice
(as a sub-section) - TIS LOGGER
(as a sub-section) - Windows MEE
(as a sub-section) - Windows Soundboard
Voice Acting
So yeah, if you want to go to a certain subject, look for it, but let's start from the top
Current Animating
So my current animating isn't really happening for 3 reasons.
1. My school is getting in the way (more about that later)
2. My gaming is getting in the way (more about that later)
3. I...haven't really felt up for doing it.
I have 4 projects I want to do, 3 I'm planning on releasing this year and the other one is aiming for next year.
Let's talk about them
So Multichoice -as I've said before- needs a script, which I've never done for anything before, I always improvise, that's how I work, but that cannot be the case for Multichoice because I'm planning for it to have voices, I want real talking, otherwise that doesn't really let the player feel that they are really controlling a real human character, for stick games, text would be alright, but Multichoice is a simulator for a teenager's normal (or not) day, so without voices, it isn't doing well as a simulator.
I am writing a script and it's a bit of a mess, but I've got some of it done, I'm not even halfway there yet -I'm planning on this game to be huge- so it's not really what I want.
TIS LOGGER is a TIS OS (or IS) simulator, basically it's my own operating system in flash, now I've had the file for over a year, but I'm planning -again- on making it big, and for that I need to work on it, and I'm not working on it, because I'm trying to work on my current gadget -Windows Soundboard - more about that later.
Windows MEE
I've said before that Windows MEE is the sequel to Windows Vista Errors, and that it would be released next year, I need to make it at the moment, so that's not a problem, since it's going to come out in 2014.
Windows Soundboard
So Windows Soundboard- hold on, I need to take a huge piss *takes huge piss* ah there we go, anyway, so Windows Soundboard was supposed to be made within a couple of days, but it wasn't, I've come to realize that I didn't have all the sound files and most of them are used in more than one OS, and now I'm put off with it, I'll finish the gadget before the end of the month, but I think it may take a while, that's all I can really say.
So, unless you have met me in real life (which you haven't) you wouldn't know that I'm a bit of a procrastinator, and not just because I watch OfficialNerdCubed, I have recently been addicted to playing Guitar Hero for some reason, and also yesterday I found one of my childhood games (Rollercoaster Tycoon 3) so I probably won't be doing much other than that.
I'm ashamed of this, partly because of you guys, I want to make content for you, and yet because of my own laziness I am not doing that, you guys loved Windows Vista Errors, and I assume you want more, but I cannot find the motivation to do anything other than play games.
Another thing that's stopping me from making content is my brother, he is addicted to League of Legends, he would play it until about 2am in the morning, and I keep having to kick him off before I can do anything PC related, but I feel guilty for doing this.
My brother is older than me, he is in college and has a job, so he comes home knackered, and he would always take the PC and play League, and if he isn't at college or working, he's doing college work (unless he doesn't have any, but then he plays League) and this means I can't ask him for the PC, and he normally takes until I have to go to bed to finish his work.
So games are basically stopping me from making you guys content.
Moving along.
Voice Acting
So for Multichoice, I need voice actors, if you are a voice actor, then let me know I may ask you to be part of Multichoice.
I've been practicing Voice Acting myself, and I can do this *lowers voice* see? I can do this, I never used to be able to do this, I'm too proud of it *raises voice to normal* but yeah, let me know if you are a voice actor!
So my gaming channel hasn't been uploading videos, every time I try to make videos, I delete them before I even edit them because I don't like them, I need to have a few more tries, maybe pre-record and edit some stuff and upload it weekly, but that's about all I can say.
So I have a Twitter account which I never use, I may be tweeting more often now, or maybe not, if I'm animating something, I'll tweet about what I'm doing.
So, I'm doing my GCSE's in school as you may of guessed, I've been studying for a Science exam I have tomorrow, and I'm really nervous about it, but I feel like I can do it.
My studies have been partially getting in the way of my animating, but not as much as my gaming addiction.
I have 1 year and 1 term of school left and I'm free from school, probably with no qualifications whatsoever, but it doesn't matter right...right...?
So I've been having these ideas on not working on any of my current projects until next year, and instead making some short animations based on randomness, do you like the idea of that? If not let me know.
So that's all, sorry if this was too long, but I really needed to say some stuff and I thought now is a good time.
Thanks Buzzer's amd Newgrounders.