So apparently I missed Clock Day 2018, woops.
Anyway, my album that I announced a while ago is still being made. However I may end up cutting it down to just an EP since I've had a lot of song ideas but hardly any of them are working. If I stick at it though and inisist on making 6 songs then the album will probably not be out for another month, or even longer than that.
However, if I choose to stick to having 3 or 4 songs, then it's basically nearly done. 2 of the tracks have been completed and the third one is nearly finished. Just one more song needs doing and I have something that works for it.
I'm probably going to cut it short in the end, but we'll soon see.
If I do, then expect it to be out before August ends. I'm aiming for the 25th, but I will make no promises. If however August has passed and I still haven't made it, then that's probably because I decided to stick to 6 songs.
There is also the possibility that inspiration strikes at the right moment and I'm able to get all 6 songs completed before September, but I very much doubt that's going to happen.
But yeah, stick around because despite my absense from this site I am going to be uploading something soon, and this time I'm actually proud of it.