Good news...I really liked your Windows Errors's nice to see that you are finally gonna work on W8E..I have been waiting for it quite a while.
Off topic: It looks you have 137 fans..hmm if you add a 3 in the middle then you are gonna become an MLG Pro.
Fascinating..I'm glad that you are gonna work on this project..I thought you just ended it at Window Vista Errors and couldn't make Windows 8 Errors. The "Errors" series of yours is a really great combination of games that I enjoy.
TheMadWasp (Updated )
I originally was planning to end it at Vista, but I got a few requests to do one for Windows 8, so I promised I would do it. It has been a huge battle between me and motivation though, which is why it's been delayed for 2 years. I'm glad you enjoyed this little series I made, I hope that I can please you with Windows 8 Errors.
Thanks again.